This, my friends, is what happens when I am left by myself for a few days. I take multiple pictures of myself, trying to capture just the right one, to send off to Ken to let him know that he better be making his way back to his hotel room so that we can watch "The Voice" together.
I start off nice...

Then comes the finger pointing...

...and the more I-really-mean-business-don't-miss-the-opening finger pointing...
...and finally conclude with the passive-aggressive glad-you-made-it-on-time look.

The season finale of "The Voice" was no surprise but it was a blast watching the season unfold! And it was funny how both Ken and I thought that my old fave, Christina Aguilera, was still oddly sexy, albeit being a bit large and in charge.
(Hopefully I can get my camera back in business to download pictures so that you don't have to look at my fuzzy phone pictures. Sorry!)