Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Part Two: "Eff!!!"

Canning time! What we didn't realize (because who researches a how-to before diving right in?), is how much time. Obviously, we knew that it was going to be time consuming because we have a million pounds of the stuff. BUT, apparently you have to boil the jars with sauce in them for 45 minutes. What?? That's after you've spent ten minutes boiling the jars to sterilization, AND after you've spent time filling each one up! Something about botulism...

Part One

Simmer, simmer, simmer.

The Start of My Day

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Death By Treadmill

I must disagree, Will. I am very afraid of dying on the treadmill. In fact, when I go to tread the mill, I am always worried that it is going to out-work Could be that I bought one with a 52 inch deck instead of the standard 60 inch. The loss of 8 inches to run on dramatically increases your chance of death by treadmill. No?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm Back....!

After a long break, during which much happened, I am hoping to be back to normal life and blogging again. So, hello there old friends!

Just thought I would share the workout I did today. I did body weight for the squats, lunges, and standing calf raises. I used a resistance band for the leg curls. I stuck a 12-pound dumbbell between my feet for the leg extensions and sat on a bar stool so I could swing my legs out. And for the sitting calf raises, I put a 35-pound plate on the leg that was working. Let's face it, that should have been a 45-pound plate but I was too tired, or lazy, to heave-ho it onto my knee. 

We'll see if I can walk tomorrow!