Sunday, November 11, 2012

A New Tradition...I Hope

I know a lot of people do this but I read about it last year and tucked it away for this November. Each day for the month of November, Ken and I are writing something that we are thankful for on a little card. At the end of the month, we will read them together and get to see what the other person was thankful for. No peeksies!

I'm a little surprised that Ken didn't put up any complaints about the whole thing (maybe that should go on one of my cards...I wasn't expecting it to be so easy!). He did, however, write himself a little grocery list on the back of one of the cards that I left sitting out as his friendly reminder to fill it out from missing the day before. Funny, he still has yet to fill out the card and he never went to the store. Mission hopefully accomplished for a new tradition every November! We shall see in another year how motivated I am.

It's easy to take things for granted and life can be challenging at times, so this little project seemed very fitting to remind us that we truly have a lot to be thankful for!

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