Friday, April 26, 2013

Sewing is Sew Hard.

I asked (or at least I think I did, it was so long ago) for a sewing machine for Christmas a couple of years back. I was obliged by my parents and then let it collect dust for the next two years, still unopened in the box. Maybe I was afraid to open for secrets of Christmas Past? Easy Bake Oven, anyone? Kidding, Mom. I just didn't know how to use it! Since Ken kept threatening to get rid of it because I wasn't using it, I decided to jump on the sewing train and sew some pillow covers. The pillows on the couch were brown and blended into the even more brown couch. Girlfriend needed some color in her life. 

My wonderfully patient mom was thrilled to teach me. I believe she said something like, "I have been dreaming about this day for so long!" as we were setting things up. So to sum up the day, let's just say that if something could go wrong, it did. Yet Mom was able to laugh through it all and say that she could fix anything because she's Mom. And fix, she did! 

The sewing part was actually easier than the measuring...and cutting...and folding...and pinning...and undoing the pinning and folding and refolding it the correct way so you don't sew the pillow cover inside out...and re-pinning again. Just when we thought we were home free, the needle in the sewing machine broke. But never fear, Mom took care of it! 

Here are the pillows on my couch now. I absolutely love the color that they bring into the room!

If you asked me to sew something now? ...while I learned from the best (thank you Mom), I think I may be totally lost until I got my bearings again. But I do intend to make some more pillows so I may be enlisting my mom's help again. But that's probably another couple of years down the road.

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